Rebuilding the Public Trust
We aim to support shared reality and reinforce America’s social contract.
We envision an America in which the public puts its faith in verifiable truth and expertise, having the tools to recognize disinformation and the motivated actors trafficking in it.
We believe that an informed public is an essential firewall against efforts to undermine democratic institutions, American values, and human progress.
Here’s How We’re Working To Make It Happen
Exposing Bad Actors
Misinformation is a killer in this age of pandemic disease, climate change, and social division. Our not-for-profit newsroom, Important Context, tracks the funding behind false and misleading narratives related to public health and science, exposing the individuals and organizations spreading them. We work to ensure that the public recognizes who is saying what—and why they are saying it.
Elevating Reliable Voices
An unfortunate reality today is that telling the truth often comes with personal and professional consequences. In recent years, we have seen renowned scientists face threats to their safety and careers for promoting lifesaving vaccines. To correct this unfortunate trend, the Accountability Journalism Institute celebrates brave truth-tellers, recognizing their contributions and amplifying their voices.
Resources For Journalism
The Accountability Journalism Institute strives to foster journalistic excellence and a new era in reporting. To that end, we have organized a board of respected and qualified experts to inform and improve media coverage of critical public health issues.
Featured Investigations
“I have been leading efforts to counter expanding anti-vaccine disinformation. Important Context’s reporting has been essential for providing timely and mission-critical information to make this possible.”
— Professor Peter Hotez, MD PhD, Pediatrician-Vaccine Scientist