Board of Directors

  • Walker Bragman

    Walker (he/him) is the founder of the Accountability Journalism Institute and an investigative reporter based in New York. He was previously on staff at The Lever. His work, which has been featured in outlets like Rolling Stone, Exposed by CMD, Jacobin, and Sludge, has heavily focused on the intersection of money-in-politics, public health, and misinformation. He graduated from Brooklyn Law School in 2019 with a Juris Doctor.

  • Maria Bustillos

    Maria (she/her) is the founding editor of Popula, an alternative news and culture magazine, and co-founder of the Brick House publishing collective. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, The Nation, The New Yorker, and Columbia Journalism Review.

  • Robert D. Morris, MD, PhD

    Robert D. Morris, MD, PhD, (he/him) is an environmental epidemiologist at the University of Washington, where he teaches a course on Science Communication and Misinformation. He has taught at Tufts University School of Medicine, Harvard School of Public Health, and the Medical College of Wisconsin, and served as an advisor to the EPA, CDC, Bloomberg, the History Channel, the NIH and the President’s Cancer Panel. His work has been featured in the New York Times and the London Times, and on Dateline NBC and the BBC. His book, The Blue Death, received a Nautilus Gold Award and was named one of the Best Consumer Health Books of 2007 by the American Library Association.  He lives in Seattle, WA.

  • Peter Daszak, PhD

    Peter Daszak, PhD, (he/him) has conducted over 25 years of cutting-edge research on the origins and drivers of emerging diseases, developing strategies to predict and prevent pandemics. His work involves diverse disciplines from conservation biology, virology, ecology and environmental sustainability through to community programs that reduce the risk of disease emergence. Dr. Daszak’s research includes identifying the bat origin of SARSr-CoVs, the drivers of Nipah virus emergence, the discovery of SADS-CoV, identifying chytridiomycosis as the cause of global amphibian declines, and publishing the first global emerging disease “hotspots” map. Dr. Daszak is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Medicine, the National Academies Standing Committee on Emerging Infectious Diseases & 21st Century Health Threats, and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Forum on Microbial Threats.

  • Olivia Riggio

    Olivia (she/her) is a New York-based media critic, nonprofit development professional and independent journalism advocate. She holds a B.A. in journalism from Ithaca College, and her work has been published in outlets including Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), The Indypendent, The Progressive, PBS SoCal, and Common Dreams

  • Alex Kotch

    Alex (he/him) is a former investigative reporter who has been on staff at the Institute for Southern Studies, International Business Times, the Center for Media and Democracy, and Sludge, a money-in-politics news site he helped launch. A campaign finance expert and award-winning reporter, Alex’s work has been published by more than two dozen media outlets including The American Prospect, The Nation, The New Republic, Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch, and Vice. In 2020, he co-founded the OptOut Media Foundation.

  • Mark Colangelo

    Mark (he/him) is a digital strategist with over a decade of experience building brands and driving results across a diverse range of industries. Apart from his work in advertising, Mark co-hosts the Gilded Age podcast and is a journalist whose articles have been featured in The Intercept, Jacobin, and numerous other publications. Mark currently lives in Portland, Maine, with his fiancé, dog, and cat.

  • Jahan Sharif

    Jahan Sharif (he/him) is a columnist for Native Son on Queerty and the founder of Mimiq Inc., a boutique communications consulting firm specializing in strategic development for mission-driven medical organizations. With over a decade of experience in television and digital media, he has served as a senior producer for high-profile projects at MasterClass, BET, ESPN, ABC, TNT, MTV, and more. Prior to his media career, Jahan worked in politics, serving as Regional Field Director for Cory Booker’s first Senate campaign and as a Field Organizer for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign in Florida. He currently divides his time between Cape Town, South Africa, and Miami, Florida.

  • Piper Bonacquist

    Piper Bonacquist (she/her) has spent a decade working in support of abortion access. She began her career at the National Abortion Federation, worked at two Planned Parenthood clinics, and is a co-founder of Colorado Doula Project, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides funding and practical support to people accessing abortion in Colorado. In 2022 she graduated from the University of Oregon with a Master of Nonprofit Management degree and is now the Operations Director at Realize Impact, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that facilitates impact investing using philanthropic funds.

  • Luna Olavarría Gallegos

    Luna (she/her) is a writer and digital media producer whose work addresses places and people overlooked by Western policy and technology. She was the impact producer for "The War on Cuba" and Africa’s Is a Country’s "After Oil."

  • Michael James Harrington

    Michael James Harrington (he/him) is an Assistant Professor and Faculty Fellow in the Department of English at New York University’s College of Arts and Sciences. He holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in English from Princeton University and a B.A. in English and Sociology from Amherst College. Michael’s manuscript-in-progress, Always Been Queer: Retracing Masculinity, investigates interrelations between queer culture(s) and normative masculinity. Michael has been awarded NYU’s 2024-2026 Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellowship, a 2022-2023 Bain-Swiggett Assistant in Research Fellowship, and an honorable mention for the Mary Esteve Emerging Scholar Essay Prize. He is a Pushcart-nominated poet, and his work is forthcoming in Post45.

  • Andy Izenson

    Andy Izenson (they/them) is a passionate advocate for queer families and for their transgender community. As the Senior Legal Director of the Chosen Family Law Center, Partner at Diana Adams Law & Mediation, and Clinical Instructor at the LGBTQ Advocacy Clinic at Harvard Law School, Andy brings a varied skillset of mediation, education, and community justice models, radical compassion, and an anti-oppressive and antifascist lens to engage with family, community, organizational, and large-scale conflict. They have taught for many years on family creation and communication, cultural competency in serving queer, trans, and polyamorous clients, and prison abolition and transformative community building at venues including the New York State Bar Association, the LGBT Bar Association, the Family and Divorce Mediation Council, Columbia University, Harvard Law School, and Yale Divinity School. Andy is a member of the LGBTQI Family Professionals of New York, the LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, the Family Law Institute of the National LGBT Bar Association, and has long served on the board of the NYC National Lawyers Guild, including most recently a three-year term as president, and the board of their Renewal synagogue, Kol Hai. Andy’s publications include the Advocate, the Queer Magic Anthology, the Texas Journal on Civil Liberties and Civil Rights, the After Marriage Equality Collection, and the Brill Journal of Religion and the Arts.